Friday, December 9, 2011

Be Mine (US 2009)

The Gist:
Mason and friends reminisce about the distant past (last year) when he was obsessed with the idea that his first kiss with a man would be perfect and lead to true love.

Comments with many a spoiler:
In the movie we have:
  • The just married that day protagonist spends the afternoon with his “sassy” black gay friend (instead of his husband).
  • His just married that day husband spends the afternoon with friends (instead of the protagonist).
  • Flashbacks to the day the newlyweds first met, where college kids act wacky and sassy at school.
  • Flashbacks to the night the newlyweds first met, where college kids act wacky and sassy at a party.
  • Flashbacks to the day after the party, where college kids no longer bother being wacky and sassy.
  • A subdued party on the night of the wedding where the newlyweds finally spend time together.
Keep in mind that ALL of this happens in a movie barely over an hour long. Now in addition to that hodgepodge of events and scenes, mix in several minutes worth of establishing shots, add on poor acting, inconsistent sound, odd casting (these are very old looking college kids), bad gay clichés (Sassy African-American Queen) and you end up with a bit of a mess.
Which is an overly long introduction to simply say that this is not really a good movie.
A shame, because while having the protagonist fixated on his first “real” kiss with a man is kind of saccharin sweet; there is nothing necessarily wrong with the story of an inexperienced college kid longing for romance and first love.
Unfortunately, as can be gleaned from the plot outline quite a lot of time is spent not telling that story. If that weren’t bad enough, the aforementioned “issues” multiply against each other to the point where instead of a story about a college kid looking for love, it ends up feeling like a multi-hour long saga about drunk 30-somethings crashing a never ending frat party.

In the end, not worth the (admittedly short) time to watch it.
The protagonist’s white female best friend, a “wacky” white female friend, and party guests walking in the background.

People of Color:
The protagonist’s “Sassy” African-American gay friend and maybe one or two party guests walking in the background. For a wild party, it was kind of boring and I found myself only half paying attention to the movie by this point.

Gratuitous nudity:
A quick flash of skinny dipping butt shots

  • Directors: Dave Padilla, Steven Vasquez
  • Writer: Jeremy Huntington
  • Actors: Dan Selon, Jared Welch
  • 70 min
  • IMDB

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