Sunday, August 19, 2012

What Happens Next (U.S. 2011)


The Gist:
After a rich 50-something businessman is forced into early retirement, his sister gives him a puppy before moving onto her next project, getting him a wife. For his part however, he seems less interested in dating women than in figuring out what, if anything, his burgeoning friendship with a baseball cap wearing gay man (and fellow dog owner) may imply, considering he has spent so much time working he has never had time for a social life. 

I guess going to the dog park is the "in thing" for meeting guys. Also, apparently you can tell if a guy is butch or fem by looking at which gay stereotype he fulfills, wearing a baseball cap or wearing lipgloss. Which surprised me because I had not realized that we were known for doing either. 

Odd stereotypes aside, it was a nice enough movie, sweet even (appropriate for a romance comedy), but at the same time, just not an overly interesting one. Jon Lindstrom and Wendie Malick are fine in their roles as an older man trying to figure out his life/sexual orientation, and his overbearing sister. The dogs are cute (though they kind of disappear once they've fulfilled their duty of introducing the leads), and unlike some indie movies dealing with rich people I've seen, his apartment didn't look cheap. Free advice for indie filmmakers with script calling for for an expensive apartment... don't do it. 

Then again, there's very little about the movie that is not totally predictable, and some sections of it (and characters) seem a bit too flat. Which is too harsh, because it isn't a bad movie, just... average. 

I'd recommend it, but only if you go into it with low expectations.

Sister, best friend, maid, nail stylist and more, so all in all, not too bad. 

People of color:
The maid. No, really. One person. The maid. 

Gratuitous nudity:
A brief shot of a bare male butt, so while it technically meets the gay flick stereotype of unnecessary bare flesh, it barely does so.

  • Director: Jay Arnold
  • Writers: Jay Arnold, Thom Cardwell, Ariel Shafir
  • Actors: Lon Lindstrom, Wendie Malick
  • 100 min
  • IMDB

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