Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Guys and Balls (Männer wie wir) (Germany 2004)

The Gist:
Ecki is the golden boy star goalie of his town's football (soccer) team. That is until he's accidentally outed one drunk night after a bad game. After he is kicked off the team for being gay, he vows to form a gay team to play against his former teammates, heading out to the big city to do just that.

Comments (with spoiler):
This is pretty much the definitive "Gay athlete joins a gay team to victory" movie. That is: 
  1. Athlete comes out/is outed.
  2. Athlete gets kicked off team.
  3. Athlete joins an existing or forms a new rag tag gay team
  4. Gay team plays his old straight team and wins proving that gays are just as tough as the straights! 
While all this technically counts as a spoiler, the story should not be a surprise to anyone who's ever seen a movie before. While fairly predictable, the movie is actually fair to good, though with some issues. 

Considering some of the jokes, and that the gay team ends up being an assembly of assorted gay stereotypes, it's pretty clear that the movie was written/intended for a wide audience not too familiar with gay culture. Although to be fair, the S&M guys and others are much less over the top than you would expect in an American movie.

Despite this, it's still worth a watch if you feel like something unchallenging and cute, though obviously not if you hate soccer.

Sister, mother, would-be girlfriends, in other words, the real world

People of color:
A few of the gay teammates

Gratuitous nudity:
Some minor locker room stuff as a joke

  • Director: Sherry Horman
  • Writer: Benedict Gollhardt
  • Actors: Maximilian Brückner, Dietmar Bär
  • 106 min
  • IMDB

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